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MA, MPhil, PhD

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 The Home and the Hero Film International: Journal of World Cinema 20-Sep-2024 21 / 3 / 50-61

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Author Name (s) ARYA AIYAPPAN
Title of Article The Home and the Hero
Name of Journal Film International: Journal of World Cinema
Volume No 21
Issue No 3
Page No 50-61
URL https://www.intellectbooks.com/film-international-journal-of-world-cinema
Date of Publication 20-Sep-2024
2 Yakshi at the Crossroads: Gendering Horror and Trauma in Malayalam Horror-Comedies Quarterly Review of Film and Video 29-Jun-2021 38 / 6 / 1-18

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Yakshi at the Crossroads: Gendering Horror and Trauma in Malayalam Horror-Comedies
Name of Journal Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Volume No 38
Issue No 6
Page No 1-18
URL https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gqrf20/current
Date of Publication 29-Jun-2021
3 Padmarajans Enigmatic and Enduring Relationships Film International 26-Jun-2020 18 / 1 / 66-73

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) ARYA AIYAPPAN
Title of Article Padmarajans Enigmatic and Enduring Relationships
Name of Journal Film International
Volume No 18
Issue No 1
Page No 66-73
URL https://www.intellectbooks.com/film-international-journal-of-world-cinema
Date of Publication 26-Jun-2020
4 When a Rudaali raises a Bawandar: The Marginalised get a Voice Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 26-Apr-2013 / 28 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) ARYA AIYAPPAN
Title of Article When a Rudaali raises a Bawandar: The Marginalised get a Voice
Name of Journal Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific
Volume No
Issue No 28
Page No -
URL http://intersections.anu.edu.au/
Date of Publication 26-Apr-2013

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Asia?s Maritime History and Identity at Cultural Crossroads Kochi Water Metro: A Geospatial Remapping 23/01/2025 Kristu Jayanti College in collaboration with University of Auckland, New Zealand International
2 Conference Organizer Urban Contemplations: Exploring Cities as Sites of Narrativity, Meaning and Action 20/01/2025 Christ University International
3 Conference Presenter International Conference on Film Studies: Identity and Otherness in Film Truncating the 'Other' through Select Malayalam Horror-Comedies 05/02/2022 London Centre for Inter-disciplinary Research, London, UK International
4 Seminar Presenter From Screening to Streaming: Ideology, Aesthetics and Historiography of New Cinema Home and the Hero: Re-defining the Constructs through Malayalam Films in OTT Platforms 03/12/2021 Association for Film Studies in South Asia International
5 Conference Presenter Towards New Visions: Women in Films, Media and Beyond Virtual Conference #MeToo and Time's Up: Slippage of Face-work in Malayalam Cinema and Industry 11/03/2021 University of Guelph, Canada and Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) International
6 Conference Moderator/Chair Towards New Visions: Women in Films, Media and Beyond Virtual Conference 11/03/2021 University of Guelph, Canada and Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) International
7 Seminar Moderator/Chair Art & Culture: Intricacies on Research and Publishing 04/03/2021 Government KNM Arts & Science College and Kerala Lalithakala Academy International
8 Seminar Panelist National Webinar on "Classic versus New Hollywood" "Classic versus New Hollywood" 05/06/2020 Centre for Cinema and Screen Studies, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala National
9 Seminar Organizer National Seminar on Exploring Ecological and Cultural Consciousness: A Vision of Equitability 27/02/2020 Christ University National
10 Conference Presenter Contemporary Coherence in British Literature and Language Evolving Taste Publics in Contemporary Hindi Cinema 25/01/2019 Erode Arts and Science College International
11 Seminar Participant Cosmopolitan Spaces:Indian Literature and Counterpoints of Modernity 03/11/2016 Christ University National
12 Seminar Presenter Media Meet 2016 - Breaking the 4th Wall Food as Symbolic capital in salt n Pepper and Usthad Hotel 04/08/2016 Christ University National
13 Other Presenter The Urban/Rural Divide: Gender Politics in Middle Cinema in Hindi - International
14 Participant National seminar on Women's Writing National seminar on Women's Writing - Samyukta National
15 Participant National seminar on Women's Health: New Paradigms National seminar on Women's Health: New Paradigms - Samyukta National
16 Participant Twelfth International Conference on The Political Twelfth International Conference on The Political Economy of social Division: Race, Gender, Class, and Caste as Fetishized/ Fetishizing Borders - Samyukta International
17 Participant National Symposium on Thinking Subjectivities National Symposium on Thinking Subjectivities - Christ University National
18 Participant English Language in Higher Education: Exploring Le English Language in Higher Education: Exploring Learner-Centered Approaches - Chirst University National
19 Participant Mayabazaar: Re-viewing 100 years of indian Cinemas Mayabazaar: Re-viewing 100 years of indian Cinemas - Department of English, Christ University National
20 Other Presenter Reminiscing a Spring Gone By - Institutional
21 Other Presenter "Middle Cinema in Hindi and the Politics of Representation" - Institutional
22 Participant National seminar - Narrating Centers and Peripheri National seminar - Narrating Centers and Peripheries: Minority Discourses in India - Department of English, Christ University National
23 Conference Presenter Hindi Cinema: Ek Naya Daur - International
24 Seminar Presenter The Dynamics of Relationships in Padmarajan's Select Films - National
25 Participant Media Meet 2015 Power of Visuals Media Meet 2015 Power of Visuals - Department of Media Studies, Christ University, Bangaluru National
26 Conference Presenter Emerging Taste Publics and Contemporary Middle Cinema in Hindi - National
27 Conference Presenter Intersecting Maps of Nature and Human Nature in select Malayalam Films - International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Ways of the Water: Exploring Blue Humanities through Cinema Webinar 30/09/2025 Saraswathi College of Arts and Science (Affiliated to University of Kerala) Vilappil
2 Aqua Vitae: Blue Humanities and Cinema Webinar 23/01/2025 St. Josephs College (Autonomous) Devagiri
3 S(p)licing the Scene: Interventions / Intrusions MacGuffin International Film Festival 28/10/2023 Christ, Lavasa
4 Positioning Docufiction: Cinema-Literature Interface Special lecture for the Training and Placement Division 06/03/2023 Bishop Heber College
5 Experience of Cinema: Research Interventions Certificate Course in Research Methodology and Academic Writing 17/01/2023 Bishop Moore College
6 Borderless World: Negotiating Appreciation, Research and Criticism Undergraduate Orientation 06/10/2021 Mar Ivanios College, Kerala
7 Decoding Research: Perspectives, Problems and Possibilities Keynote Address for the Inauguration of the Research Forum 29/09/2021 St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry. Kerala
8 Introduction to Reading Films Guest Lecture 02/03/2017 Christ University, Bannerghatta Road Campus

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Constructing Gender:Cultural Identity and the Politics of Representation in Contemporary Middle Cinema in Hindi Dr. G.S. Jayasree Institute of English, University of Kerala 7 July 2009
2 Life Cycle Rituals: A Semiotic Analysis of Contemporary Hindi Cinema Dr. G.S. Jayasree Institute of English, University of Kerala September 2005

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Representation of the Ten Commandments in Krzysztof Kieslowski's The Decalog Rajarajeshwari Ashok Christ University
2 Representing the Effects of the Bhopal Tragedy: A Study of Select Fiction in English Karthika Balachandran Christ University
3 Characterisation of Women in Hindi Film Adaptations of Select Shakespearean Tragedies Ojha Kritika Christ University February 2017
4 Cultural Hybridity and Hyphenated Identity in the Select Diasporic Works of Jhumpa Lahiri and Kiran Desai N Naga Jothi Madurai Kamaraj University
5 The Saga of Muziris: Mapping Histories Christin Shaji University of Kerala
6 Reading Duality of Existence in Kerala of teh 1980s through select films of P Padmarajan Kalyani Nandakumar Christ University October 2018
7 Dynamics of Fantasy-Realism Exchange in The Game of Thrones Jain Mary Sajeev Christ University February 2019
8 Film Geographies of Kochi: Sense of Place in Contested Cultural Landscapes REMYA R Christ University January 2022
10 Lijo Jose Pellissery's Diegetic World: Socio-Cultural Markers and the Politics of Representation RESHMA MERLIN JOSEPH Christ University July 2021
12 Cultural Politics and the Changing Representation of Living Spaces and Characterization in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema (2010-2020) ANNIE ANTHONY Christ University February 2023
13 Reviewing Stardom in the New Wave Malayalam Cinema: An Intersectional Reading GREESHMA HANNA RAJAN Christ University April 2023
14 The Literary Biopic in a World of Cinemas: Interrogating Screen Representations of the Author ANA MANUELLA VIEGAS Christ University October 2024
15 Representation of Power: A Cultural Reading of Selected Films of Adoor Gopalakrishnan Anu Antony Calicut University
16 Of Gods, Men and the Politics of the ?Chosen?: Competing Masculinities and Nationalism in Religio-Mythological Hollywood Epics, 2010-2016 Jyoti Mishra IIT Madras
17 Of Gods, Men and the Politics of the Chosen: Competing Masculinities and Nationalism in Religio-Mythological Hollywood Epics, 2010-2016 Jyoti Mishra IIT Madras
18 Cinematic Ethnicities: Costume and Cultural Identities in Contemporary Malayalam Movies Viju V V IIT Madras

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 The En-gendered Body: Issues of Representation in Contemporary Middle Cinema External
2 Padmarajan ARYA AIYAPPAN NFAI, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India External
3 Remapping Kochi: A Geopolitical Study into the Sustainability of the Water Metro ARYA AIYAPPAN Internal

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Cinematic Wisdom: Exploring Indian Knowledge Systems through Indian Cinema Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences National 03/03/2025
2 Reflexive Humanities Samyukta Research Foundation International 03/03/2024
3 National Faculty Development Program on Eco-Criticism and Environmental Literature: Engaging Students in Sustainable Thinking Department of English and Cultural Studies National 13/07/2023
4 Workshop on Indexing Samyukta Research Foundation National 17/12/2022
5 Faculty Development Program Staff Development College Institutional 05/12/2022
6 Curriculum Design and Revision with Special Focus on OBE Staff Development College Institutional 05/12/2022
7 Film, Images & Historical Interpretation in the 20th Century: The Camera Never Lies University of London International 02/06/2020
8 Learnign to Teach Online Coursera International 21/04/2020
9 Reading Cinema as an Audio-visual Text Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science Regional 12/02/2020
10 Vitascope School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jain University Regional 18/01/2020
11 PhD supervisors Training Centre for Research Institutional 18/01/2018
12 Quality Improvement Program on Research and Publication Academic Staff College, Christ University 23/05/2016
13 Gendering Moving Frames Department of English, Crhist University and Suchitra Film Society National 09/01/2016
14 English Language and Literature in India: Approaches, Themes and Concerns Christ University, Academic Staff College 22/05/2015
15 Quality Improvement Programme - Research Concerns and Methods in Contemporary English Studies Academic Staff College and Department of English, Christ University 18/05/2014
16 Film Appreciation Workshop Department of English, Christ University National 15/02/2014
17 Workshop - Developing Learning Centered Curriculum Department of English, Christ University National 18/01/2014
18 Orientation Programme Christ University Academic Staff College 22/04/2013
19 Film Workshop with Dr. Peter Zimmermann on The New German Film Wave and the Berlin School Max Mueller Bhavan International -


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Pappadi P. R. Parameswaran Panikkar Gold Medal Secured the highest percentage of marks in English Language and Literature Main at the M.A. Degree Examination held in 2002 University of Kerala May 2005
2 Prof. Samuel Mathai Gold Medal Secured the highest percentage of marks in English Language and Literature Main at the M.A. Degree Examination held in 2002 University of Kerala May 2005
3 Prof. C. V. Chandrasekharan Prize Secured the highest percentage of Marks in English Language and Literature main at the M.A. Degree Examination held in 2002. University of Kerala May 2005
4 Prof. K. P. K. Menon Prize Secured the prize for the Best Outgoing student of the M.A. course from the Institute of English, University of Kerala in 2002. Alumni Association, Institute of English, University of Kerala February 2009
5 Best Paper Award Best Paper Award at Media Meet 2015 Power of Visuals for research paper presentation on the topic, "The Dynamics of Relationships in Padmarajan's Select Films" Department of Media Studies, Christ University August 2015


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